All this week we have had spring clean up where everyone gets their trash and puts out to the curb. My mom and I went out tonight, we didn't find much but got a few things. Here's what I got. We also planning on going next friday again for the last day.
I got this basket only to put Zacks star wars ships in
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
There are still nine days before the first official day of spring, but I’ve
already started spring-ifying and de-winterizing my house. One of the first
Pan Seared Tofu Bowls
These easy Pan Seared Tofu Bowls with Edamame Rice are packed with protein
and ready in under 30 minutes. They’re a delicious vegetarian meal perfect
for l...
Spring Break - Simi Valley (Day 5)
On Day 5, we headed to Hollywood! As expected, the traffic was crazy. Once
arriving, we paid $30 to park and then set out to explore! Per Uncle
YARN ART for kids
[image: drawing with yarn]
Our next craft camp project- YARN ART for kids! This inexpensive and
totally cool craft will delight kids and adults alike! Craf...
DIY Wood Console Table
Learn how to build a DIY Wood Console Table with free plans, just a few
tools and a how-to video by Shanty2Chic. I am so excited about this new
build! I ...
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
A color drenched hallway with painted doors and trim.
Smaller spaces like powder rooms, laundry rooms and hallways are *so* fun
to decorate! You can be a l...
How to Make Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage
This tender, flavor-packed Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe is made in the
Instant Pot. It’s perfect for St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and can be on the
table i...
Meet our Grandson!
Sweet friends! I am so honored to introduce you to our first grandchild…
HUTCH DANIEL HUTCHERSON, born February 20th, 2025! He is absolutely perfect
and ...
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary. If you make one craft this spring, let it be
a charming organic Moss Bunny Topiary that will add a whimsical touch to
How To Propagate Succulents
[image: How To Propagate Succulents]
Succulents are some of the easiest houseplants to propagate because there
are several ways to do it. Today we'll show ...
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
* this home office built from Billy bookshelves from Home on Harbor
* you may need this dryer hack if your lint catcher won't go down all the
* th...
Romanticize Your Home
Happy Valentine’s Day all! The sun just popped out after a week of storms
and it’s a beautiful day. It’s still so cold, and on winter days I like to
work f...
Long Narrow Multipurpose Living Space
*For info on my online design service, please click here. I currently have
openings for new projects!
Hi Friends! Back in the studio today and reflecti...
Heart Shaped Cherry Pastry Recipe
[image: cherry heart pastry]
These Heart-Shaped Cherry Pastries made with puff pastry and luscious
cherry pie filling are sure to steal hearts. Whether y...
Cheesy Pickle Ramen
Creamy Cheesy Pickle Ramen goes out to all my fellow pickle lovers.
Packaged cheese ramen is paired with sliced cheese, spicy chili crisp and
crunchy dil...
Celebrate Good Times, Come On
During our early years of marriage, my husband and I had an inside joke
that when the going got tough, I’d lean into “more fun Schmidt.” I actively
A Letter for My Mom
A letter to all of you, my mom's beloved readers and dear friends, from her
daughter Abbey:
I am heartbroken to write this. Our beloved mom, Sarah, pass...
ما هي أجمل سيارة في العالم؟
لقد أخرج عالم السيارات عددًا لا يحصى من الروائع على مر السنين. في حين أن كل
متحمس قد يكون لديه سيارته المفضلة الشخصية، فمن الصعب إنكار جاذبية بعض
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
Smoked Sausage Jambalaya (Instant Pot)
I have no idea where I found this recipe but it is fantastic! I love it so
much! If I owe you credit, please drop me an email. This recipe is so good
and f...
The Best of Amazon
[image: The Best of Amazon]
1 . Kitchen Scrub Brushes – Super useful and looks beautiful by your sink.
A win-win!
2. Vintage Inspired Rug – This rug line ...
Pegboard Corner Desk Tutorial
Full Tutorial will be ready October 6, 2020 Every home in the world could
double as a school at any moment during this pandemic. We learned that the
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
I installed this corkboard wall in a matter of hours, so I happily pass on
the tutorial to you! The hardest part was just worrying about whether or
not i...
w o r d o f t h e y e a r
I haven't done a word of the year in a few years. If I am remembering
correctly, that word was *balance*. For that year, t...
2019 was all about sewage
To interrupt your feed full of holiday posts and Christmas lights, I wanted
to share a little recap of our 2019. If anyone is still reading? I'm not
Fall into Fall - It's a Party #434
Welcome to this week's Fall into Fall party. Last week's party was filled
with so many awesome ideas and inspiration. Here are this week's features:
One day closer
Hi friends,
After my last post, seems as though we have made some progress. So much in
fact, Madison was able to have a seat in her very first class today....
Coffee Filter Lamp Shade
Coffee filters! Who’da thunk it. I have seen them on a wreath (very cute),
but not on a lamp. With $2 and 2 hours, you can make-over a
lampshade. These pho...
A Fond Farewell
I am writing today to say farewell to blogging.
I have loved this blog.
I started *The Shabby Nest* in 2008, and it has been a source of joy, it
has prov...
Sweet and Savory Coconut Rice
This recipe for Sweet and Savory Coconut Rice is an old-school Our Best
Bites classic that is pretty much my go-to side dish with any summery,
Roasted Asparagus
[image: Roasted Asparagus]
Today I’m walking you through the best way to make roasted asparagus so
it’s perfect every time! You just need asparagus, oil,...
Thoughts for the New Year
When you go through really tough stuff, loss, extreme sadness or grief, you
feel like the pain is never going to stop. You can’t imagine a day where it
New house: framing
I was really hoping to document this whole house build process as we went
along, but it has all been going SO quickly and keeping me SO busy, I
rarely even...
DIY Dining Table
We’ve lived in this house for three years now. Pretty quickly after we
moved in, we decided to nix the formal dining room and dine solely in our
eat-in kit...
Collapsible LEMONADE Stand
My mom asked me to build 6 COLLAPSIBLE LEMONADE STANDS to give to her kids
for Christmas this year. I was excited for the challenge and am very proud
Weathered Farmhouse Table DIY (part 1)
It's been awhile since I've built anything with wood however, I had a
visual in mind for a table in my den. This is what I came up with...
My table mea...
Spooky Halloween Bottles (free printable!)
Halloween is one of those excuses to have a little goofy fun with your
decor. It doesn't have to be jack-o-lanterns and severed heads or anything,
just a l...
Fall Home Tour
Fall has arrived and a special hello to you readers coming from Jen's
place at The House of Wood. She sure knows how to pull it altogether no
matter what...
Lavender Festival
For the last two years I've had so much fun going to the Lavender Festival
in Blanco Texas.
Sadly because we've had very wet springs both years the lavende...
Take Your Daughter to Work Day
I titled this "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" because the new politically
correct version doesn't have the same ring to it. I didn't even realize
that the...
What I Wore {The 2016 Favorites}
Let's see, what did I learn to embrace in 2016 when it came to my wardrobe?
I'm going to go with: birkenstocks (bought my first pair ever), wearing
ankle ...
DIYShowOff 2016 Review
[image: [Valid RSS]]
[image: 2016 DIYShowOff recap]
Looking back at 2106, it was a year with more crafts than home improvement
which means that we’re goi...
Dining Chair Slipcovers
My client has an amazingly beautiful home full of slipcovers! It was
gorgeous and she wanted to soften the wood kitchen table and chairs by
adding slipcov...
Last Minute Teacher Gift Idea
Merry Christmas everyone!
I know this is a frenzied week for most of us. My older two kids are in
school through Wednesday, so I have a list a mile long o...
Instant Frame
[image: Instant Frame]
I have a blank area at the top of the stairs that I’m excited to finally
decorate. I came up with a lot of different ideas but fin...
Soft Chocolate Almond Biscotti
These biscotti are baked for a shorter time, making them softer than the
traditional version.
These are easy to make, and the recipe makes about 16 la...
Sundays are for snuggling, sleeping in and reading.
Sundays are for writing, wearing yoga pants, or no pants at all.
Sundays are for baking, drinking tea, ...
Easy recycled sweater pumpkins!
Happy fall everyone!! I love fall so much but not when it's still 80
degrees outside! I'm hoping to see a little dip in the temps in the next
Barn Door for a Closet!
These closet doors are dreamy!!! *Dream Book Design *turned an
unattractive closet door into something I want!!! Learn *how to build a
barn door for a...
Farmhouse Style Guest Room
Hello! Today I am sharing our other newly remodeled room in our home.
This room has previously been used as the bedroom to our two boys (at
different t...
DIY {Frozen} Hair!
I finished a fun project last week, while Dallas was snowed and iced in!
This takes right at an hour to make. So, pretty quick and easy! My kind
of p...
5 months
I have no idea how my baby boy is 5 months old already! Month 4 was my
favorite month so far. Holden is such a happy little guy and has such a
fun person...
Small Wedding Rings
Is Beyoncé having her Jay Z wedding ring tattoo removed is an older photo
Bey posted on her website a while ago that shows a small bandage wrapped
around h...
September- Trip to the Rosemary Beach, Florida
In September, the kids and I went to Florida with my parents. We all piled
in my freshly-vacuumed SUV and headed out of town for the eight hour drive.
King of Country
Back in June we went to see George Strait! Us girls in the family decided
to all go and had so much fun. It was a such a great concert! We all met
at o...
Blue+White Nautical Dresser
I'm back with a dresser makeover this time.... a two-tone nautical themed
I didn't get a chance to get any good pictures before ...
Chalkboard signs~
This window was broken, so I replaced the glass with a pieces of
I had intended on just using it for messages, but I really do love having ...
Healthy Homemade Ice Cream
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate
Media Group™ and Wet-Nap but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia
Instagram killed my blog.
I miss this blog, and I miss all of YOU.
I wish there were more hours in the day.
But, pretty please, stay in touch with my crazy via *I N S T A G R A M*... ...
SEVEN! It is, of course, impossible for me to believe Amelia Kate is seven
now. I can still see them handing her to me. The first time I laid eyes on
that ...
Resolution Check
OK. About those resolutions. I'm actually doing better than I thought I'd
be. Usually it takes me a little longer to get going, but this year I feel
Love Always, Michelle
[image: 2011-12-013]
After her last post, Michelle underwent a painful chemo regiment that she
ended up having a bad reaction to. Subsequent scans revealed...
{pendant lights} I almost forgot how to blog
[image: photo 689ef99c-4f83-44ab-aef1-37f199570a51_zps49cf75f3.jpg]
Dearest friends, I understand it's been a very very long time. I know there
is no need ...
Oh, the difference a year (or three) makes...
The saying goes "time flies when you're having fun" and I couldn't agree
more. When it comes to renovating, as fun as it is, there should really be
an ent...
The End
It’s not just the end of the year, I’m afraid it’s also the end of this
blog. I feel bad for just blurting it out like this on New Year’s Eve but
the end o...
Checking In
Hi!! First of all, I want to say we are all okay and doing great! Y'all
are so sweet to email and check on us since I haven't posted in months. I
have a...
funky vintage sideboard
You might all remember me mentioning my fabulous neighbor who loves to go
"picking" for me. Well, she did it again with this piece. She found it at
My blog has moved
Hey friends and readers! My blog has now MOVED TO A NEW SITE.
I'd love it if you would update your readers and bookmarks to the new
You can hav...
8 months later…
I know I said I was done blogging. I was, and I didn’t for long while. I’ve
since decided that I miss some of it. I got tired of annoying my family and
Things That Make Me Happy
This little girl. She is now two years old, and an absolute joy.
This little flower that no one noticed.
My mom and dad. They're such good people, and ...
My New Site Is Live
Ekkk! My new website just launched!!!
I have been planning my new site for about a year now and it is finally
live.[image: Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 10.55...
"MUM" Baby Shower
This was the most scenic baby shower ever! I was privileged to be able to
help with it! This was for one of my party throwin' partners, Laurel. Her
Dry milk verses 2% = mix together!
We recently have come off the W.I.C. program, and was shocked at how
expensive milk is!! It's about $3.50 a gallon! W-O-A-H!!
I remember reading on One...
Living Room Gallery Wall
Hey friends! Today I'm going to show you how I hung up my brother's
gallery wall. I LOVE family pictures and think they are such a great way
to bring lif...
6 Most Important Things List $1.00
*Scroll to the bottom of the page to purchase the list for $1.00.*
*I recently read a story about Charles Schwab, of Bethlehem Steel, as told
by Mary Kay ...
Best of 2011 {take 3}
It sort of feels like I was just writing this same post for last year
yesterday. I cannot believe how quickly 2011 has passed up by! When
reviewing our dif...
Cider-Roasted Squash
This is a recipe I found years ago in a magazine. It is a quintessentially
fall dish, and you will not believe how good it smells while baking!
8 cups pee...
LDS General Conference Packets
I always get lots of emails requesting Conference Packets every April and
Oct. There are so many great ones out there now days. Here is a link to
where I u...
Chris' Graduation
I was trying to decide what events to talk about on this blog to get caught
up for the past few months since I have not been blogging. I decided that I
Butterfly Stained Glass Craft Tutorial
My children love craft projects and recently my little boy was fascinated
by all things related to we decided to make stained glass
Ooma equals Free Phone
As 2011 began, I am sure my long time readers know I sat down to do our
annual "family" exam of our finances. We do this each year to ensure that
our expe...
Bits O Brickle Bars
My friend Isabel made these a few years ago and I loved them. They are a
fall favorite of mine now!
1 yellow cake mix
1 egg
1/3 c. butter
1 (14 oz.) ...
Make Your Own Oilcloth Fabric
It all started with gorgeous piece of fabric from Hawthorne Threads. It is
from the Modern Meadow collection by Joel Dewberry, and I am in L.O.V.E
with it...
Sneak Peek Photo of My Kitchen Transformation!
Here's a little sneak peek of my kitchen while it was decked out with
bridal shower goodies:
And a reminder of how it used to look:
More photos and de...
Baby Shower fun!
Remember me? Yeah, I'm the one who used to blog on here often! I wanted
to show you guys a few projects that I did for my very best friend's baby
Easy Ways to Bring Spring into Your Home
1) Switch out heavy fabrics, blankets and pillows for light weight cotton
and linen.
2) Clip blooms from your garden and display them in your home, or sp...
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